Youth Arts Panel
Have your say! Join the Dunamaise Arts Centre and Creative Ireland Laois Youth Arts Panel. Open to anyone aged 14 - 20
Have your say! Join the Dunamaise Arts Centre and Creative Ireland Laois Youth Arts Panel. Open to anyone aged 14 - 20
Dunamaise Arts Centre and Creative Ireland Laois want to host a Youth Arts Panel. Our goal is to learn more about your views on the Arts. The results will be shared with Dunamaise Arts Centre and Creative Ireland Laois. As well as the survey, will also host an in-person Youth Panel. We are seeking a small number of people broadly aged between 14-20 to take part the Panel, exploring your views on the Arts in Laois/Midlands. Under 18s must have written permission from a parent/guardian to take part in the in-person panels.
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Supported by Creative Ireland Laois